Tatykayev Batukhan

Candidate’s full name: Tatykayev Batukhan.

The full title of the dissertation theme: Technology of mechanochemical synthesis of nanoparticles of silver halides by diluting the final product.

Specialty: 6D072000 – Chemical technology of inorganic compounds.

The dissertation is carried out at Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

Local scientific supervisor: Burkitbayev Mukhambetkali Myrzabayevich - doctor of chemical sciences, professor, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Republic of Kazakhstan

Foreign scientific supervisor: Urakaev Farit Chisamutdinovich - Doctor of chemical sciences, heading researcher, V.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia.

1. Official reviewer: Tusupbaev Nesipbay Kuandykovich - Doctor of technical sciences, associate professor, head of the Laboratory flotation reagents and enrichment of "Institute of Metallurgy and Enrichment". Almaty.

2. Official reviewer: Mofa Nina Nikolayevna - Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, head of the Laboratory mechanochemical processes of Institute of Combustion Problems.

The defense is going to take place in 29 December 2016 at 12:00 am in the dissertation council at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Almaty, prospect al-Farabi, 71, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, 415 audience.

Language of the defense Russian.

Publication date :  11/29/2016