At the military department of KazNU named after al-Farabi, training camps of students are held


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In accordance with the Reserve Officer Training Program at the military department of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, training camps are held from 19 July to 23August 2021 year with students who have completed a full course of study.

This year, in connection with quarantine measures to counter the spread of coronavirus infection, students studying at the military department KazNU of Al-Farabi in the following military specialties are involved in training camps: officers of the air defense forces of the Ground Forces, commanders of motorized rifle and intelligence units, officers of educational structures, military journalists, officers of the signal troops and officers for the organization of physical training and sports.

During the training camp, at the training ground of the Military Institute of the Ground Forces, cadets will perform exercises of training shooting from small arms, cadets studying under the Reserve Officers Program for the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces will perform live firing from the anti-aircraft gun ZU-23.

An extensive program of military-patriotic and cultural-leisure activities was planned at the training camps. These are military-technical quizzes, debate tournaments, thematic evenings, psychological trainings, meetings with veterans of the Armed Forces.