"The Golden Horde: at the crossroads of civilization"


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Al-Farabi Kazakh National University on June 22, 2021 will conduct the international scientific and theoretical conference: "The Golden Horde: at the crossroads of civilizations", dedicated to the 750th anniversary of the formation of the Golden Horde.

The conference will examine the place and role of the Golden Horde in world history and discuss modern conceptual approaches to its study.  

The conference is focused on the study of aspects of the history of the formation of Kazakh statehood, the foundations of the political and ethno-social institutes of the nomadic society, the historical signs of ethno-cultural values ​​of the Golden Horde based on interdisciplinary synthesis, as well as the assessment of scientific discoveries and original findings of researchers regarding the interaction of the Golden Horde culture, based on latest archaeological research and changes in the trends of the political, cultural and social history of Eurasian continent.

Conference directions:

- The history of the Golden Horde in contemporary research;

- The spiritual heritage of the Golden Horde;

- The role of the Golden Horde in world history;

- Archeology of the Golden Horde: problems, features and prospects


The conference will bring together leading foreign and domestic scientists: historians, archaeologists, philologists, orientalists, social scientists and representatives of state and public organizations, media, experts.

Requirements for the design of conference materials are attached.

The conference will be held on June 22, 2021, at 11:00 in the Scientific Library of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (hall 409).

Address: 050040, Almaty, Al-Farabi Avenue, 71.


Join a Zoom meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9273884317?pwd=V2EyZGdOd0hOa2VNMzdPMnJSUW02Zz09

Conference ID: 927 388 4317

Access code: 096014 


Yours faithfully, organizing committee



Requirements for the materials of the first stage, which will be held in Almaty:


For inclusion in the program and the publication of an article in the conference you need sent your paper till 17th of June, 2021 to fill in to registration form, article should be 7-10 pages, in Microsoft Office Word (2003, 2007), while maintaining "to conference" file on the flash card and printed paper, A4 format (materials will not be returned) to send to the organizing committee. Address 140000, Almaty, al-Farabi Avenue, 71, GAM 3, office. 4-4, Department of History of Kazakhstan. Tel.: +7(727)3773338 (ext 12-87.) 87078737923, e-mail: kafedra.kaz@gmail.com 


Each file should include a single job file is named by the article author's name (example: Sadykova Ainur_ conference)


Requirements for the materials:

• font Times New Roman, (12 pt); interval - single, margins: top - 2 sm, bottom - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1 cm indention - 0.6 cm .;

• top of the page - the name of the report, under it, single-spaced, surname and initials of the author, place of work and the city of lowercase letters, then, single-spaced text;

• drawings (black and white, no shades), scanned in JPEG, JPG at least 300 dpi.

• Footnote issued through the brackets at the end of the text


Example of the article:

Some aspects of formation of Kazakh Khanate

C.M. Syzdykova

Candidate of Historical Sciences, docent of history of Kazakhstan department

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan



1. Бартольд В.В. История изучения Востока в Европе и России. – В кн.: Соч. –Т.IX. – М.,1977. – 286с.

2. Кастельская З.Л. Из истории Туркестанского края (1865–1917). – М.: Наука, 1980. –120 с.


Please pay attention to the need to provide materials in a carefully drafted in compliance with all the above requirements. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject materials that do not meet the design and delivery time. Information about the positive decision on the publication of abstracts will be sent to your e-mail within 3 days after receiving material.

Conference proceedings will be published by the organizers.


Travel, accommodation and meals are paid by the participants.












Middle name________________________________________________________

Degree ________________________________________________________

Organization, position _____________________________________________

Home address ____________________________________________________

Telephone _________________________________________________________

E-mail ____________________________________________________________


Title of the report ___________________________________________________

Information on the Co-Rapporteurs



I intend to:

make a presentation at a meeting of the section;

• take part in the conference as a listener;

• participate in absentia.


We are grateful for the dissemination of this information to interested persons.