«New Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan: challenges and prospects» within the framework


Views: 2754

Non-profit Joint-stock Company «Al-Farabi Kazakh National University», UNESCO chair for Sustainable Development of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental sciences invites you to participate in the seminar «New Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan: challenges and prospects» within the framework of the national project «Green Bridge through Generations».

The seminar will be held online on the ZOOM platform on February 18 at 11: 00.

Languages of the conference: Kazakh, Russian.

Conference link in Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3689667200?pwd=N0lHWDNTdCtDc2lURGRZdjc0RjFmQT09

Conference identificator: 368 966 7200

Code: eco2021