International scientific and practical conference "Problems and prospects for the development of physical education and sports"


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On February 10, 2023, from 10.00-18.00, the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems and Prospects for the Development of Physical Education and Sports" was held online for lecturers, school teachers, students and young scientists, coaches.

           The conference was organized by the Department of Physical Education and Sports of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University together with the National Scientific and Practical Center of Physical Culture of the Kazakhstan Republic Ministry of Education.

       Welcoming remarks at the beginning of the conference were made by: Member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Operations of al-Farabi KazNU - Uvalieva Asel, and General Director of Physical Culture National Scientific and Practical Center of the Ministry of Education of the Kazakhstan Republic - Sadykov Sagdat Kabirovich. The moderator of the conference was the head of the al-Farabi KazNU, Department of Physical Education and Sports Iskakova Almira.

At the plenary session of the conference, doctors of sciences and PhD, professors of the Turkish Republic of Gazi University, Toin University from Japan, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Lithuanian University, Latvian University spoke, as well as reports from the universities of the Republics of Tatarstan and Tuva and Kazakhstani universities.

The conference was held in three sections:

-   Physical culture and sport in the education system.

- State, problems, prospects of ethno sport, mass sports and sports of the highest achievements.

- Actual problems of health-improving, adaptive and inclusive physical culture.

The sectional work was attended by employees of the National Scientific and Practical Center of Physical Culture of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, leading specialists from universities, schools and fitness centers. Topical issues of the development of physical culture in educational institutions, sports organizations and fitness centers were discussed.

In total, there were more than 400 participants in the online conference and more than 400 people from 29 universities involved in the collection of articles, including 8 doctors of science, 30 candidates of science, 12 PhD students, 112 senior university teachers, 27 university professors, 14 college teachers, school teachers - 163, students - 13, sports organizations - 21. Number of reports - 27, number of publications - 287.

At the end of the conference, the results were summed up and the Resolution on six points was adopted.

All participants of the conference were awarded electronic certificates and an electronic collection of the conference, letters of thanks.