"New horizons of education and upbringing in the world educational space" will be held at the Al-Farabi KazNU, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of academician A. K. Kusainov


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On June 5, 2021, at 10:00 am, an international scientific and practical conference "New horizons of education and upbringing in the world educational space" will be held at the Al-Farabi KazNU, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of academician A. K. Kusainov.

Askarbek Kusainov–Doctor of engineering (Germany), doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor at Al-Farabi KazNU, academician, President of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, State Prize Winner of RK, The Medal of Parasat winner,author of more than 200 publications.

The conference received 167 articles from scientists, lecturers and teachers of Kazakhstan, Russia, Bulgaria, Mongolia, India, Kyrgyzstan and other countries. They take part in the conference online/offline.

The articles will be discussed in 5 sections: integration of world educational systems in the context of globalization; spiritual and moral upbringing of youth: values and guidelines; digitalization of the educational process in the format of the university 4.0; the quality of education in the world and in Kazakhstan: the comparative aspect and the scientific and pedagogical school of academician A. K. Kusainov in the field of comparative pedagogy.

Rector of the University K.Zh. Tuimebayev, being the akim of the Turkestan region, approved and supported the proposal of academician A. Kusainov to conduct a large-scale experiment on the topic "Improving the quality of secondary education on a scientific basis", which was carried out in the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 academic years in 4 districts of the Turkestan region, in Kazakh schools in rural areas. It was attended by 43 schools, 3171 students, 385 teachers. The quality of knowledge of students in classes who participated in the experiment increased on average by 6-8% compared to students in classes who did not participate in the experiment. The conference received more than 30 articles from teachers and methodologists of the Turkestan region who took part in this experiment.

All articles submitted to the conference were published in a special collection of 600 pages.

Organizer: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Philosophy and Political Sciences, Department of Pedagogy and Education Management

Venue: library of : Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, room 409

Platform: Zoom

Link: https: / / us02web. zoom.us / j / 2363498898? pwd=Qm1sc3NZenEzQVlTempYdmJzZjQwdz09

ID: 236 349 8898

Code: 1234