Omarbayev Yrysbek

Candidate’s full name: Omarbayev Yrysbek.

The full title of the dissertation theme: The passport system of Kazakhstan in the era of the Soviet Union (1917-1991): historical analysis.

Specialty: 6D 020300 – History.

The dissertation is carried out at the Institute of history and ethnology named after CH. Valikhanov.

Local scientific supervisor: Smagulova Svetlana Odepovna – doctor of historical science, docent, Kazakh Agrarian National University, Almaty.

Foreign scientific supervisor: PhD Slavomir Horak, professor University of Charles, Czech Republic.

1. Official reviewer: Iskak Akmaral – Doctor of Historical Sciences, docent, Kazakh Economic University named after T. Ryskulov, Almaty.

2. Official reviewer: Seksenbayeva Gulzira – Doctor of Historical Sciences, docent, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty.

The defense is going to take place on the November 1, 2017, at 14.00 in the dissert council at the al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the department of history, archeology and ethnology, hall of meetings № 405, al-Farabi Avenue - 71, Almaty.

Language of the defense – kazakh.

Publication date :  9/30/2017