Turysbekova Guma

Candidate’s full name: Turysbekova Guma.

The full title of the dissertation theme: Theoretical and legal problems of the legal adjusting of institute of maternity are in Republic of Kazakhstan

Specialty: «6D030100 – Jurisprudence»

The dissertation is carried out at the department of theory and history of the state and law, constitutional and administrative law of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Local scientific supervisor: Usseinova Gulnara R. Doctor of law sciences, associate professor, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty

Foreign scientific supervisor: Hoffman Tomas Doctor оf (PhD), professor,Tallinn technological university, Tallinn

1. Official reviewer: Sabitova Ainur Alimkhanovna, Doctor of law sciences, professor, Kazakh national pedagogical university, Almaty

2. Official reviewer: Beisebaeva Saltanat Beisekulovna, Candidate of law sciences, associate professor, South-Kazakhstan state university, Shymkent .

The defense is going to take place on January, 21 in 10.00 morning in the dissertation council at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, boulevard of Аль-Фараби, 71, faculty of law, № 410 hall of meeting.

Language of the defense   Russian.

Publication date :  12/20/2016