- Determines the strategic priorities for the development of the educational activities of the University and ensures the integration of education, science and innovation.
- Coordinates the activities of faculties (schools) and structural divisions for the development and implementation of the academic policy of the University.
- Forms a portfolio and regularly updates the educational programs of the University. Ensures the participation of stakeholders in the design and examination of educational programs.
- Participates in the formation and development of human resources.
- Develops basic approaches to teaching and educational and methodological support of disciplines.
- Coordinates the process of forming a contingent of students and organizes career guidance work.
- Coordinates the activities of faculties (schools) in organizing professional practices and employment of graduates.
- Ensures the organization of the work of collegiate authorities, commissions and teams of authors of faculties (schools) on issues of academic activity. Represents the position of the University in collegiate authorities on republican level, as well as in cooperation with universities and other organizations.
- Determines the basic requirements for the organization and logistics of the educational process.
- Provides planning, organization, coordination and monitoring of the educational process.
- Organizes the introduction of academic and digital innovations into the educational process in order to increase the efficiency of the learning process.
- Maintains constant accounting and monitoring of the contingent movement of students, based on document flow and data analytics.
- Organizes work on attracting, accepting for education and orienting students in the educational process.
- Organizes consultative - advisory activities on educational – methodological, scientific - methodological issues at the level of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council.
The activities of the Department of Academic Affairs are carried out in accordance with the basic principles of the Bologna reforms and the development of the main advantages of the credit system of education.